The following drawing is for a brick septic tank, suitable for Population Equivalents (PE) up to 50 people. When calculating your PE you must take the worst case scenario i.e. the maximum number of people who will be contributing to the facility. Remember, a septic tank should always be considered as only the first stage in the sewage treatment process. For a detailed explanation of how septic tanks work in a sewage treatment system, please refer to our highly popular web page In The Shit: A Septic Tank Guide

Arkitrek Septic Tank Guide Open Source Design Drawings

Creative Commons Licence
Arkitrek Septic Tank by Arkitrek is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http:/

This is a standard design that we have developed with input from engineers and used on many of our projects. We are however architects, not engineers, and no design liability can be accepted for either Civil and Structural Engineering design or Mechanical and Chemical Engineering design i.e. that the tank will hold up, that sewage will flow and that effluent will meet a given standard. If you have any technical questions we will be happy to refer you to a friendly engineer.